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To all the ladies - Keep Shining

We may not get you, he may not treat you right
You may have been hurt by him but just keep shining
Your light is contagious, your smile makes hearts waver
We the dudes are not on the same level, but rest assured we do remember
All the times you were there, you sat there and listened
All the times you told me to shut up and listen

Thank you, God bless you, I pray daily for you
Your knight in shining armor is God, all others are privates
But the right hand man of God on earth who was created for you
He'll find his way to you, just keep your eyes on the Creator, He loves you.

- Hope you guys like that heart-song of mine to all my sisters and mothers(both by blood and in His blood)

Here's a video by Shad titled "Keep Shining" that I love, for all you ladies.


Keep shining because you are Beautiful

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