God says He will never leave you, He will never forsake you. God is serious about you.
Your bad deeds will not stop God from loving you.
Only you rejecting Him will push God away. If you said yes to God, and still say yes to God, rest assured knowing that He is right beside you.
Sin hurts God. But God knew you will hurt Him when He sent Jesus for you.
He knew that you will one day do something that's equivalent to a slap in His face.
God knows everything (past, present and future) and He still loves you.
Don't hate yourself when God loves you as you are.
Go to God. Pray.
Say "I love you".
Try a bit to change the bad things that don't please God. Try a bit. God will do the rest.
Cry a bit. Cry to God. Take your worries to Him.
Take it to Him not a man. Anything bothering you? Talk about it to God like you would to your best friend.
God wants to be that best-friend. The best friend wants to be your best friend.
Take heart and reside in God's presence.
Don't sit in the mud when you fall. Get up, clean it off and keep walking.
Don't seek pity. Don't pity yourself.
You are made in God's image, which means your worth something. Worth a lot. Pity is for dogs. Tell someone to pray for you instead.
Never forget that you are loved. Loved by an exceedingly great God who wants to be with you.
You're not alone. God wants you on His team fully committed to helping you become the best you ever.
You hear Him knocking. Answer.