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Appetite of our living + S.O - So it Begins + Afterlife

Jim Elliot. “Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living"
I came across this statement via a blogger who was on the blogger platform who moved to wordpress (
What does this statement mean?
I'll rephrase it slightly and dissect it by grace ;) "Do not let our longing (desires of the flesh be they good or bad) slay (kill, suppress) the appetite of our living". What I believe i is talking about is winning souls for Jesus. He's saying, let us not let our desires of things that may be good for us in this world prevent us from having the urge and desire to live lives spreading the gospel. Example: Let us not let the desire of getting married distract and take away our attention from spreading the gospel of Jesus as we live our lives. I think that was somewhat clear. Drop a comment if you need clarification on something.

S.O. - So it begins album art
S.O.'s new free album - So It Begins
The long awaited and anticipated free album (not a mixtape) by S.O. is finally here. I've listened to it and Amen and Amen to the gospel. The album has got this cool and laid back feel (maybe an East Coast sound even) mostly with some "banger's" here and there. Use the link below to download So It Begins. You won't be disappointed.


Head over to his website when you get a minute

Afterlife - A message about death
I was going through my archives and came across this article "When you die". It's one of those articles that I feel like reposting and sending to the top of all posts, but I didn't.
Take a look at it, it's always good to get some reassurance from time to time.

This was my online daily newsletter thingy lol.
Have a great week.

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